Posted Tue May 20, 2014 6:04 pm
! Duelist ! vs PLivingston
Constellar Artifacts vs Inzektors
Match Win/Loss: Tester/Testee 2-0 = 0/5
Deck Construction: 14/15 Good build, but needs two forbidden lances.
Ruling Test: 6/10
Siding Skills: 3/5 Good siding, but not perfect.
Overall Skills: 8/10 I locked him down with Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror and Prohibition, so he couldn't really do anything... Still giving him points for knowing how to use Inzektors.
Attitude: 5/5
Total: 36/50
Welcome to Ra Gagas! I should've been less harsh and use something else than artifacts... sorry . Anyways. enjoy your stay !
Constellar Artifacts vs Inzektors
Match Win/Loss: Tester/Testee 2-0 = 0/5
Deck Construction: 14/15 Good build, but needs two forbidden lances.
Ruling Test: 6/10
Siding Skills: 3/5 Good siding, but not perfect.
Overall Skills: 8/10 I locked him down with Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror and Prohibition, so he couldn't really do anything... Still giving him points for knowing how to use Inzektors.
Attitude: 5/5
Total: 36/50
- Obelisk Brutes: 0-20/50
- Ra Gagas: 21-42/50
- Slifer Slackers: 43-50/50
Welcome to Ra Gagas! I should've been less harsh and use something else than artifacts... sorry . Anyways. enjoy your stay !