Posted Mon May 12, 2014 6:16 pm
ForceKnight vs MystNinja
Hunder vs Blackwings
Match Win/Loss: 2(me)-0(him)=0
Deck Construction: 6/15 Your blackwings are extremely inconsistent. Try removing the singles and keep it at the base engine. Also, some of the trap cards are not very well. Try adding in fiendish, mirror force etc. The spells should be MST, dark hole, lance etc.
Ruling Test: 1/10 Study up on ruling!
Siding Skills: 0/5
Overall Skills: 5/10
Attitude: 5/5 Fun guy!
TOTAL: 17/50
Welcome to Obelisk Brutes!
Hunder vs Blackwings
Match Win/Loss: 2(me)-0(him)=0
Deck Construction: 6/15 Your blackwings are extremely inconsistent. Try removing the singles and keep it at the base engine. Also, some of the trap cards are not very well. Try adding in fiendish, mirror force etc. The spells should be MST, dark hole, lance etc.
Ruling Test: 1/10 Study up on ruling!
Siding Skills: 0/5
Overall Skills: 5/10
Attitude: 5/5 Fun guy!
- Obelisk Brutes: 0-20/50
- Ra Gagas: 21-42/50
- Slifer Slackers: 43-50/50
TOTAL: 17/50
Welcome to Obelisk Brutes!