Posted Mon May 12, 2014 9:08 pm
ForceKnight vs BronyKillerMaster
Hunder vs Ehero
Match Win/Loss: 2(me)-0(him)1/5 Game one was very close
Deck Construction: 8/15 Very neat deck. It needs more backrow to help. Since you lacked backrow, I had the upper hand during the match. Maybe try increasing the speed just a little more.
Ruling Test: 3/10
Siding Skills: 2/5 Try editing your side. Instead of Torential, maybe dark imp. mirror or light imp. mirror and so on.
Overall Skills: 6/10
Attitude: 5/5
TOTAL: 25/50
Welcome to Ra Gagas
Hunder vs Ehero
Match Win/Loss: 2(me)-0(him)1/5 Game one was very close
Deck Construction: 8/15 Very neat deck. It needs more backrow to help. Since you lacked backrow, I had the upper hand during the match. Maybe try increasing the speed just a little more.
Ruling Test: 3/10
Siding Skills: 2/5 Try editing your side. Instead of Torential, maybe dark imp. mirror or light imp. mirror and so on.
Overall Skills: 6/10
Attitude: 5/5
- Obelisk Brutes: 0-20/50
- Ra Gagas: 21-42/50
- Slifer Slackers: 43-50/50
TOTAL: 25/50
Welcome to Ra Gagas